
Store Launch & Memberships!

Welcome to our newly opened TheVIndustries-store!

TheVIndustries is the third company under TheVMedia, which covers all three sub-brands of TheV: Velocity Music, CodeVStudios & this!

With TheVIndustries, we aim to make physical goods & services to monetize our business and projects! You purchase, we get profits, and you get your physical goods in return! - W's all around!!!

Alongside with just store goods, we're launching TheVemberships, a subscription based "membership-program" which gives us the possiblility to get recurring payments from our community to our goals and projects. Let's go through the membership-tiers!

  • Tier 1: TheVilicious (starting at $5/mo)
    The entry-level membership for members-only-content & 10% off all store products!

  • Tier 2: TheVtastic! (starting at $15/mo)
    2nd level tier which gives access for everything in previous tier, plus a supporter-role in our Discord! Also a 20% off from all products!

  • Tier 2: TheVtastic! (starting at $50/mo)
    The third and lasttier which gives access for everything in previous tier, also a 50% off from all products!

Please note that the current perks in current memberships are subject-to-change as we're figuring out the services to offer with those perks!

All in all, the more money we're able to get from subscriptions and physical goods, the better & higher quality services we can provide!

-Astedroid, from TheVTeam